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- *usr_20.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 09
- VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
- Typing command-line commands quickly
- Vim has a few generic features that makes it easier to enter commands. Colon
- commands can be abbreviated, edited and repeated. Completion is available for
- nearly everyting.
- |20.1| Command line editing
- |20.2| Command line abbreviations
- |20.3| Command line completion
- |20.4| Command line history
- |20.5| Command line window
- Next chapter: |usr_21.txt| Go away and come back
- Previous chapter: |usr_12.txt| Clever tricks
- Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
- ==============================================================================
- *20.1* Command line editing
- When you use a colon (:) command or search for a string with / or ?, Vim puts
- the cursor on the bottom of the screen. There you type the command or search
- pattern. This is called the Command line. Also when it's used for entering a
- search command.
- The most obvious way to edit the command you type is by pressing the <BS> key.
- This erases the character before the cursor. To erase another character,
- typed earlier, first move the cursor with the cursor keys.
- For example, you have typed this: >
- :s/col/pig/
- Before you hit Enter, you notice that "col" should be "cow". To correct this,
- you type <Left> five times. The cursor is now just after "col". Type "<BS>
- and "w" to correct: >
- :s/cow/pig/
- Now you can press <Enter> directly. You don't have to move the cursor to the
- end of the line before executing the command.
- The most often used keys to move around in the command line:
- <Left> one character left
- <Right> one character right
- <S-Left> or <C-Left> one word left
- <S-Right> or <C-Right> one word right
- CTRL-B or <Home> to begin of command line
- CTRL-E or <End> to end of command line
- Note:
- <S-Left> (cursor left key with Shift key pressed) and <C-Left> (cursor
- left key with Control pressed) will not work on all keyboards. Same
- for the other Shift and Control combinations.
- You can also use the mouse to move the cursor.
- As mentioned, <BS> deletes the character before the cursor. To delete a whole
- word use CTRL-W.
- /the fine pig ~
- /the fine ~
- CTRL-U removes all text, thus allows you to start all over again.
- The <Insert> key toggles between inserting characters and replacing the
- existing ones. Start with this text:
- /the fine pig ~
- Move the cursor to the start of "fine" with <S-Left> twice (or <Left> eight
- times, if <S-Left> doesn't work). Now press <Insert> to switch to overstrike
- and type "great":
- /the greatpig ~
- Oops, we lost the space. Now, don't use <BS>, because it would delete the
- "t" (this is different from Replace mode). Instead, press <Insert> to switch
- from overstrike to inserting, and type the space:
- /the great pig ~
- You thought of executing a : or / command, but changed your mind. To get rid
- of what you already typed, without executing it, press CTRL-C or <Esc>.
- Note:
- <Esc> is the univeral "get out" key. Unfortunately, in the good old
- Vi pressing <Esc> in a command line executed the command! Since that
- might be considered to be a bug, Vim uses <Esc> to cancel the command.
- But with the 'cpoptions' option it can be made Vi compatible. And
- when using a mapping (which might be written for Vi) <Esc> also works
- Vi compatible. Therefore, using CTRL-C is a method that always works.
- If you are at the start of the command line, pressing <BS> will cancel the
- command. It's like deleting the ":" or "/" that the line starts with.
- ==============================================================================
- *20.2* Command line abbreviations
- Some of the ":" commands are really long. We already mentioned that
- ":substitute" can be abbreviated to ":s". This is a generic mechanism, all
- ":" commands can be abbreviated.
- How short can a command get? There are 26 letters, and many more commands.
- For example, ":set" also starts with ":s", but ":s" doesn't start a ":set"
- command. Instead ":set" can be abbreviated to ":se".
- When the shorter form of a command could be used for two commands, it
- stands for only one of them. There is no logic behind which one, you have to
- learn them. In the help files the shortest form that works is mentioned. For
- example:
- :s[ubstitute]
- This means that the shortest form of ":substitute" is ":s". The following
- characters are optional. Thus ":su" and ":sub" also work.
- In the user manual we will either use the full name of command, or a short
- version that is still readable. For example, ":function" can be abbreviated
- to ":fu". But since most people don't understand what that stands for, we
- will use ":fun". (Vim doesn't have a ":funny" command, otherwise ":fun" would
- be confusing too.)
- It is recommended that in Vim scripts you write the full command name. That
- makes it easier to read back when you make later changes. Except for some
- often used commands like ":w" (":write") and ":r" (":read").
- A particularly confusing one is ":end", which could stand for ":endif",
- ":endwhile" or ":endfunction". Therefore, always use the full name.
- In the user manual the long version of the option names is used. Many options
- also have a short name. Unlike ":" commands, there is only one short name
- that works. For example, the short name of 'autoindent' is 'ai'. Thus these
- two commands do the same thing: >
- :set autoindent
- :set ai
- You can find the full list of long and short names here: |option-list|.
- ==============================================================================
- *20.3* Command line completion
- This is one of those Vim features that, by itself, is a reason to switch from
- Vi to Vim. Once you have used this, you can't do without.
- Suppose you have a directory that contains these files:
- info.txt
- intro.txt
- bodyofthepaper.txt
- To edit the last one, you use the command: >
- :edit bodyofthepaper.txt
- It's easy to type this wrong. A much quicker way is: >
- :edit b<Tab>
- Which will result in the same command. What happened? The <Tab> key does
- completion of the word before the cursor. In this case "b". Vim looks in the
- directory and finds only one file that starts with a "b". That must be the
- one you are looking for, thus Vim completes the file name for you.
- Now type: >
- :edit i<Tab>
- Vim will beep, and give you: >
- :edit info.txt
- The beep means that Vim has found more than one match. It then uses the first
- match it found (alphabetically). If you press <Tab> again, you get: >
- :edit intro.txt
- Thus, if the first <Tab> doesn't give you the file you were looking for, press
- it again. If there are more matches, you will see them all, one at a time.
- If you press <Tab> on the last matching entry, you will go back to what you
- first typed: >
- :edit i
- Then it starts all over again. Thus Vim cycles through the list of matches.
- Use CTRL-P to go through the list in the other direction:
- <------------------- <Tab> -------------------------+
- |
- <Tab> --> <Tab> -->
- :edit i :edit info.txt :edit intro.txt
- <-- CTRL-P <-- CTRL-P
- |
- +---------------------- CTRL-P ------------------------>
- When you type ":set i" instead of ":edit i" and press <Tab> you get: >
- :set icon
- Hey, why didn't you get ":set info.txt"? That's because Vim has context
- sensitive completion. The kind of words Vim will look for depends on the
- command before it. Vim knows that you cannot use a file name just after a
- ":set" command, but you can use an option name.
- Again, if you repeat typing the <Tab>, Vim will cycle through all matches.
- There are quite a few, it's better to type more characters first: >
- :set isk<Tab>
- Gives: >
- :set iskeyword
- Now type "=" and press <Tab>: >
- :set iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255
- What happens here is that Vim inserts the old value of the option. Now you
- can edit it.
- What is completed with <Tab> is what Vim expects in that place. Just try
- it out to see how it works. In some situations you will not get what you
- want. That's either because Vim doesn't know what you want, or because
- completion was not implemented for that situation. In that case you will get
- a <Tab> inserted (displayed as ^I).
- When there are many matches, you would like to see an overview. Do this by
- pressing CTRL-D. For example, pressing CTRL-D after: >
- :set is
- results in: >
- :set is
- incsearch isfname isident iskeyword isprint
- :set is
- Vim lists the matches and then comes back with the text you typed. You can
- now check the list for the item you wanted. If it isn't there, you can use
- <BS> to correct the word. If there are many matches, type a few more
- characters before pressing <Tab> to complete the rest.
- If you have watched carefully, you will have noticed that "incsearch"
- doesnt' start with "is". In this case "is" stands for the short name of
- "incsearch". (Many options have a short and a long name.) Vim is clever
- enough to know that you might have wanted to expand the short name of the
- option into the long name.
- The CTRL-L command completes the word to the longest unambiguous string. If
- you type ":edit i" and there are files "info.txt" and "info_backup.txt" you
- will get ":edit info".
- The 'wildmode' option can be used to change the way completion works.
- The 'wildmenu' option can be used to get a menu-like list of matches.
- Use the 'suffixes' option to specify files that are less important and appear
- at the end of the list of files.
- The 'wildignore' option specifies files that are not listed at all.
- More about all of this here: |cmdline-completion|
- ==============================================================================
- *20.4* Command line history
- In chapter 3 we briefly mentioned the history. The basics are that you can
- use the <Up> key to recall an older command line. <Down> then takes you back
- to newer commands.
- There are actually four histories. The ones we will mention here are for ":"
- commands and for "/" and "?" search commands. The "/" and "?" commands share
- the same history, because they are both search commands. The two other
- histories are for expressions and input lines for the input() function.
- |cmdline-history|
- Suppose you have done a ":set" command, typed ten more colon commands and then
- want to repeat that ":set" command again. You could press ":" and then ten
- times <Up>. There is a quicker way: >
- :se<Up>
- Vim will now go back to the previous command that started with "se". You have
- a good chance that this is the ":set" command you were looking for. At least
- you should not have to press <Up> very often (unless ":set" commands is all
- you have done).
- The <Up> key will use the text typed so far and compare it with the lines in
- the history. Only matching lines will be used.
- If you do not find the line you were looking for, use <Down> to go back to
- what you typed and correct that. Or use CTRL-U to start all over again.
- To see all the lines in the history: >
- :history
- That's the history of ":" commands. The search history is displayed with this
- command: >
- :history /
- In case you don't want to use the cursor keys, CTRL-P will do the same as <Up>
- and CTRL-N as <Down>. CTRL-P stands for previous, CTRL-N for next.
- ==============================================================================
- *20.5* Command line window
- Typing the text in the command line works different from typing text in Insert
- mode. It doesn't allow many commands to change the text. For most commands
- that's OK, but sometimes you have to type a complicated command. That's where
- the command line window is useful.
- Open the command line window with this command: >
- q:
- Vim now opens a (small) window at the bottom. It contains the command line
- history, and an empty line at the end:
- +-------------------------------------+
- |other window |
- |~ |
- |file.txt=============================|
- |:e c |
- |:e config.h.in |
- |:set path=.,/usr/include,, |
- |:set iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255 |
- |:set is |
- |:q |
- |: |
- |command-line=========================|
- | |
- +-------------------------------------+
- You are now in Normal mode. You can use the "hjkl" keys to move around. For
- example, move up with "5k" to the ":e config.h.in" line. Type "$h" to go to
- the "i" of "in" and type "cwout". Now you have changed the line to:
- :e config.h.out ~
- Now press <Enter> and this command will be executed. The command line window
- will close.
- The <Enter> command will execute the line under the cursor. It doesn't
- matter whether Vim is in Insert mode or in Normal mode.
- Changes in the command line window are lost. They do not result in the
- history to be changed. Except that the command you execute will be added to
- the end of the history, like with all executed commands.
- The command line window is very useful when you want to have overview of the
- history, lookup a similar command, change it a bit and execute it. A search
- command can be used to find something.
- In the previous example the "?config" search command could have been used
- to find the previous command that contains "config". It's a bit strange,
- because you are using a command line to search in the command line window.
- While typing that search command you can't open another command line window,
- there can only be one.
- ==============================================================================
- Next chapter: |usr_21.txt| Go away and come back
- Copyright: see |manual-copyright| vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: